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Writer's pictureJen Murray

Life feels like an endless process of getting to know yourself

Exploring yourslef

Journaling, developing a relationship with yourself, healing, and everything in between.

Orkney, 2018 & 19

When I moved to Orkney, I started going all-in on journaling and writing down my thoughts. At the end of each day, I was just open up a word document and write.

I would often think before going into it that I would not have too much to write about that day and then my thoughts and feelings would pour onto the page.

I started to rediscover memories, see patterns in my life, understand my feelings, and have more clarity.

Sometimes I cried, sometimes I was surprised about what came up. Other times I felt so excited to write about the cool people I met on the island that day. I would write all about their life and what we talked about. Writing gave me an outlet to better understand myself and offload all the stuff I was carrying around at that stage of my life.

It felt like personal talking therapy, in a written form. I was able to write my most honest thought down without judgment…

That is a strange process in and of itself. Being fully honest with ourselves. Letting go of the fear of, " I wonder what someone would like if they read this"… when you push through that feeling a special vulnerability can be discovered.

And like therapy, I think that writing down my thoughts, then and now, has allowed me to develop a better relationship with myself.

Our relationship with ourself is the most important relationship we will ever have

if you don’t journal and you are reading this. It can be so easy to think what an asshole. Another self-help thing huh? Journaling right, and then mediation and cold-water therapy- cool.

But it’s so true, finding an outlet that works for you at different stages of your life.

Writing forces, me to be presenting, similar to what I have come to realize with editing videos, it forces us to be present and in the moment. It requires connection and focus.

I have never wanted to read my writing from those summers in Orkney. I almost feel like it would be like watching one of your therapy sessions back over. Opening things that you have worked through and let go of. Although, I met so many incredible people on the island, that it might be worthwhile rereading to remember their stories.

However, I love to go back to my old blogs and other wee videos. There is something really special about reliving memories, both good and bad ones. It gives you a sense of gratitude and also a reminder that life is full seasons and just like the dark, cold, Scottish winter, those dark times will pass- even if sometimes it does not feel like it will.

I think the point of this post was if you are struggling to understand and process how you feel sometimes.

Try to document your life in some way..

Write a paragraph each day about how you feel, do a wee video or audio recording.

Try and do it for 6 weeks and see if you notice any patterns or trends in how you feel and what you did on a particular day.

Can you guess from this post that I am currently starting a creativity course?! haha I really believe in the power of having an outlet for our thought- like a boiling pot with a lid on- we need to let out the steam.

Journaling can be a way of understanding what thoughts and core beliefs we are carrying around with us every day and how they impact everything we do.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. -Maya Angelou

Writing and documenting our story in whatever feels good to us and can allow us to get that story out.

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