C h a p t e r o n e

Why we started
My passion and love for essential oils started when I was really young, inspired by my aunty Shirley who used to make me my own blends and lotions.
Using essential oils in our everyday life has immense potential; from replacing our beauty products, cleaning products to reducing plastic waste and helping the planet.
The oils themselves have beautiful therapeutic and nourishing effects that can impact the physical and mental well-being and our environment.
The benefits that essential oils bring, coupled with removing toxic chemicals (that are often included in' general' beauty/cleaning products) and working towards 'natural' living can have a domino effect on our own health and well-being & the environment.
Health impact
In the last five years I have been much more conscious of my own impact and the impact of chemicals on our health and the planet. I slowly switched to chemical free products and started making my own sprays from essential oils. I felt overwhelmed when I realised how imbedded chemicals are in everything we use. It was like I put glasses on, and I could see everything clearer.
From deodorants, to perfumes, to moisturisers, and shampoo we lather chemical onto our skin and our hair without knowing and these build up in our bodies as toxins and can create a host of problems from hormone imbalances to inflammation.
The simplest example being all of the chemicals we put on our hair, skin and breather in from the air directly impacts our physiology. From toxins like SLS that adds foam to shampoo, to preservatives’ and added artificial ‘scents’ … our body absorbs the toxins but also the planet does, we rinse our shampoo off and it disappears down the plug hole and into our rivers, lochs and oceans…impacting everything from fish, sea plants and other sea creatures, then we eat them, reabsorbing the toxins on a micro scale. Without trying to overthink the sadness of this example, there is a positive, we ourselves can create change and difference. The smallest of changes can have ripple effects...
'Be the change you want to see in the world’.
This doesn’t mean throwing all of our products away and starting again. It can be a simple as waiting until one product runs out and looking for more sustainable replacements. For example, when your perfume runs out- maybe look for a less chemically full essential oil spray..
Vilius and I talk more about essential oils and moving away from chemical and the impact of this on episode. #6 of the Wee Stories with People Podcast

A holistic approach to Mental Health
I moved to Orkney after first experience of depression...
I made a full commitment to a holistic treatment before taking the anti-depressant medication I was prescribed..
(not recommended- just sharing my experiences). So I did, I bought stacks of powder and made my own supplement blend from St Johns Worts to Chaga mushroom, to Lions mane, to spirulina and Ashwagandha. I created my own essential oil blends too- full of uplifting and anxiety reducing properties- and I walked the islands of Orkney- every day after or before work- and on my days off I visited and camped on the outer islands. Essential oils were in my bag everywhere I went...
So, a mixture of nature, exercise, nutrients and essential oils alleviated my depressive symptoms enough for me to find hope again. Oh, and the lovely people I met sprinkled in...
What we do
When I got home, I started to see lots of essential oil products- lots of good ones, but also lots of insanely expensive products- which in my mind creates a barrier- a bit like yoga, with incredible benefits but somehow still feels less accessible (especially before YouTube). Also, I started to see essential oil products made in plastic bottles which can really depreciate the therapeutic effects of the oils- with plastic seeping into the oils over time…
In comes hippea.oils….with aspirations to make a sustainable and affordable organic essential oil creations.
Sustainable & Environmentally conscious
All organic ingredients (grown without pesticides)
All essential oils are ethically sourced and Fairtrade- supporting local farmers too!
All natural/100% Vegan
Candle wicks made from the hemp plant (sustainable)
Candles made out of recycled jars
Learning so far…
-During the process of creating I have learned so much about the environmental and health implications of the ingredients & materials used in our everyday products- esp. candles!
-Learning about everything from the impact of different candle waxes to the most sustainable essential oils
- the COST of sustainability!
We make everything here at home in Stirling, Scotland.... each blend is tested by us or our friends/family first and all creations done by me....
Vilius and I work really well together because we are both so different, we are the yin and yang.. Vilius is the logical and rational being; measuring and taking account of everything- I am the dreamer always creating and having new ideas...
Essential oil guidebook
If you want to learn more about essential oils, I have created an essential oil guidebook that includes their history, uses, wee recipes & more...
Next chapter
Launch on the 11th of November 2020
Follow our journey on Facebook & Instagram @Hippea.essentialoils & on the podcast @WeeStorieswithPeople