World Vegan Day; a chance to open up and talk about reducing our meat consumption. For the environment, our health and the animals.
Veganism should be about integration not separation.
What we eat or what life-style we choose should not separate us from others. It should bring us together. The difference in opinion, value or belief should not put us against each other. It shouldn’t be an us against them relationship. We should feel united and in celebration that we have the opportunity to choose!!! (Generations before us would have not had the choice to be vegan; eating anything to survive)

People ask me all the time why are you vegan?! Before I respond they say I’m sorry, but I could never do that. I love meat, I could never just eat vegetables.
This always confuses me. Never would I ever expect someone to run just because I run or be offended if they didn’t run. I think the exact same way about veganism.
How we choose to live our life is in our control…
(Bearing in mind we have the opportunities and resources available. For example, in some parts of the world like Antarctica it might be impossible to be vegan)
..The impact we have on the world is our choice. Ofcourse I have moral and environmental reasons to why I am ‘vegan’. But it is an individual choice, that I would never impose on anyone else.
Whatever you feel strongly about, whatever you think the right way is. Whatever you want others to do consider that..
Great leaders and people whom believe in change inspire and motivate others. People like Maya Angelou or Martin Luther King don’t impose their values on others and order them to behave in a certain way. They lead by example and empower people. They highlight the inequalities, they use education and allow people to think for themselves.

I know for sure, I would not be vegan if someone just told me to ‘because it’s the right thing to do’.
Also, I think if you want to adopt a vegan lifestyle, it is not about all or nothing. Eliminating everything in one day and totally stressing out is not the way to go…
Just start by being mindful. Asking yourself how do you feel after every meal? What would being vegan mean to you? How would it impact the world?
And go from there…..