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Woo first day as a Campus Cycle officer

Writer's picture: Jen MurrayJen Murray

Woo first day as a Campus Cycle officer done. All the nerves are away, and I feel so excited to begin this new journey.

Friday 5th of October

I had a meeting with my temporary supervisor at 8.30am this morning. Today was my first day at the Sighthill campus. I will be working at all four campus’s across Edinburgh throughout the year. I left Stirling at 6.30am. I took my bike on the train and cycled from the station to the campus. I was trying to imagine if I was a student on my morning commute to college. Considering all of the potential barriers and things that may prevent me wanting to cycle. The cycle was surprisingly really easy, almost all flat and well sign posted straight to the campus entrance. I locked my bike directly opposite the entrance, where they have lots of safe, secure bike stands.

Before the meeting at 8.30am, I had a chance to meet Alex and Claire, who are both Low Carbon Travel Officers for Edinburgh College Students’ Association. They had stall in the main entrance, promoting active travel and more sustainable ways for students to travel to college. It was really nice to connect with them and find out more about the college’s sustainability plans. We all hope to work closely together on different projects throughout this year.

I met Colin at 8.30am at reception, we grabbed tea and sat in the student space to chat. We spoke about a range of things, from plans, the development of the college, the facilities on each campus, previous initiatives and all of the amazing work the sustainability team have done over the last few years.

Martin, my supervisor is the sustainability leader. He and his colleagues have invested a lot time and effort implementing changes on all campuses in Edinburgh.Some of the change’s Martin has implemented are access to E-bikes, Secure safety coded bike facilities, cycle lanes, cycle/walking signs leading to the campuses from town and public transport and easy to read maps for cycling/walking to the college.

Next week is jam packed full of meeting people, events and visits to all of the campuses. I plan to document and take photos of the different cycle facilities at available at each campus and see what challenges I face cycling to each place.

Also I have the chance to attend 3 awesome events:

-Second week of bike maintenance training with Recycke-a-bike

- Go Plastic Free, Scotland Event, run by Bright Green Business- Free to attend

-YouthQuake; an amazing four day event full of talks run in the Scottish Parliament

2 interesting articles I read this week:


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