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Well-being in Orkney and public bike sharing for 20p a day in Italy!

Writer's picture: Jen MurrayJen Murray

Cycling, health and well-being in Orkney

Friday, September 15th, 2018

It is incredible to see the diverse range of support Orkney provide. I was inspired to write this blog after attending a health stall run by NHS Orkney outside Tesco, in the center of Kirkwall town. The stall provided support, advice and information or a wide-range of health topics from diet and exercise to sleep and exercises for a sedentary desk job. Their aim is to encourage small, achievable changes to increase peoples physical and mental health.

The female worker, Karen was really informative and encouraging. She told me all about the different things the do in Orkney, including their health coaching scheme part of The WELL (wellness enables longer life) programme which sounded awesome.

The programme allows anyone access up to 12 free sessions with a life coach. The coach provides education, support, advice and encouragement to make small changes in individuals lives. This is aimed at people who want to make a change but don’t know where to start. The programme is tailored to the the individual and their lives.

It can be difficult to relate to a lot of the health advice and information we receive today. Especially if you feel lost and don’t know where to start. I think this programme is a great way to encourage people to change habits and begin to feel the benefits. The programme can build momentum, leading to new habits and many positive changes.

For a small island, Orkney really have so much going on.

This summer alone, related to health, well-being and the environment I have seen and took part in:

-Environmental community pledge to reduce plastic waste in support of Environmental day. We all pledged to making one change to reduce our own plastic waste for a month. Out of hundreds of participants, I ended up winning 2nd prize. My pledges were to stop buying plastic bottles (cleaning, juice, shampoo everything) and to encourage my friends and family to use bamboo toothbrushes. I think I may now have the prize for the weirdest gift too.

-The Science festival, which has so many events surrounding nature, health and well-being. I went to a super interesting lecture about the nutrition, the body and role of genetics by the University of Edinburgh. The events were packed full over more than 200 people.

-Community health walks and cycles all over the island including the islands

-Community beach clean ups involving all of the family and tea afterwards. Clean up’s are organized all around the island especially after bad weather which brings more rubbish to the beaches.

-The sports centre run many community-based events and have amazing faculties. I was overwhelmed by the choices for all abilities and interests.

-Support groups for very unique problems and more general health

-and more

Cycling and well-being in the rest of the world

Saturday, September 16th, 2018

At the hostel I had the amazing opportunity to talk with two guests about mental health, cycling and the pharmaceutical drug industry. One guest was an American female, aged 29, whom had just retired US army. The other guest was an English man, aged 60, now living in Italy, where he has been for the last 45 years. After completing his PHD in England, he moved to Italy to live with his wife.

The conversation was so insightful, it really brought to life how similar we all are living and feeling across the world. We ended up talking a lot of mental health and how we can use different ways to combat this.

The female guest shared her experience of PDST returning from the army. She said that almost every doctor prescribed her a different pill. The only thing that has fully worked for her has been walking and being outside with nature.

The man shared his wife’s experience of cycling. He bought his wife an e-bike about 5 years ago hoping to encourage her to cycle with him. He is a keen cyclist in Italy, cycling 15 hilly miles to work every day. She began to cycle once every few weekends. Slowly she began to build confidence and fitness. Now, she cycles everywhere she goes; to work, to meet friends, anywhere. She said it has completely changed her life. He said she is so much happier and vibrant. He also told me all about the success Italy is having with their public bike sharing scheme.

Bike sharing and active travel in other countries

I decided to be a geek and do some more research in Bike sharing and active travel in other countries. I found out the diverse way’s countries are incentivizing people to use them. Many countries are now recognizing the wide range of benefits that come with public cycling, active transport and reducing the use of cars.

‘Active travel in any form has the potential to have long-term effects on the environment and public well-being’ The Conversation, France, 2018

In some places like New York and parts of the UK it can cost up £10 to hire for the day. In contrast, in Berlin, Italy and parts of Spain it costs less than £1.

In Belgium has introduced a cycle to work reimbursement scheme based on the kilometres people travel. The number of people cycling to work has dramatically increased from 3% to 9%. This means that over 400,000 Belgians cycle to work.

I will stop now and say I can’t wait to share my next blog about the Transport Scotland Disability access event.

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my wee blog. I can’t express how much I appreciate it.


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