Planning for the next year as a cycle officer
When I come across something I am super passionate about I turn into the biggest dweeb in the world. I start to research the subject and end up completely immerse myself, reading articles, listening to podcasts, watching videos and people around me about it. Blogging this journey, I think will be a great way to organise my idea spiralling brain and share stories about the incredible people I meet.
Employee cycle training
Cycling Scotland provided all the interns with incredible 2day-training. It is a chance to meet and network with awesome like-minded people, learn and find out what amazing cycling programmes are already running in Scotland. It was such a fun few days, we all had a chance to share our ideas and talk about our experiences. We also met a range of people working in different organisations all uniquely working to encourage cycling and active travel in Scotland. I left feeling soo inspired and motivated for the next year.
Researching in Orkney Isles
For my last month here in Orkney, I plan to find out more about what the island offers to enable public cycling and active travel. I was lucky enough to meet one of the members of the cycling and infrastructure team here at the hostel. Such an amazingly interesting man, who seems truly inspired to make cycling more accessible for everyone here in Orkney. He told me all about the plans to develop better infrastructure for cycling in Kirkwall and the rest of mainland. With the hope to create a cycling culture and make it easier to cycle in town than drive by 2020! He really recognised cycling’s ability to improve mental well-being. This was so great to hear, and I am so glad that we are promoting exercise to improve how we feel. Physical health is so important, however, if our mental health is not, we can’t enjoy either. I really believe incorporating active travel and cycling can have a ripple effect, improving mood, self-confidence and fitness.
Saturday, 9th of September 2018
Amazingly, it seems the more you think about something the more it appears in your life. Today, as I was running through Kirkwall town I came across a big group of children cycling around the sports centre car park. Dressed up in full safety gear, they were taking part in their second level cycle proficiency training. I stopped to talk with team leaders. I found out the training is provided by the sports centre and run by volunteers.
The same day, I met the old manager for the youth hostel. Turns out he is teaching all levels of cycle proficiency at his son’s school. Stromness primary, similar to many primary schools across Orkney, trains parents to become cycle proficiency teachers. The role is voluntary however, the school pays for all training required. How AMAZING. He told me that all children have access to learn and borrow bikes for extended periods of time from the school. They have cycling groups for all ages, encouraging parents and children to cycle to school. They also teach right up to level 3 to primary 7s, where the children have the opportunity to gradually build their confidence up cycling on the road. So, by the time they reach high school they have the skills and confidence to cycle. I asked and he welcomed me down to a session. I am hoping to get a day off work next week to meet everyone and find out more about the amazing things they do.
To prevent this blog getting to long, I will continue the blethering in a new post