Disclosure; this is not suggesting that every day is awesome. However, by recognising when things are good, we can reflect and use these experiences to overcome difficulties. When life decides to chuck us another ‘problem’, we can accept the challenge and look for the opportunities within it to grow and find happiness.
I love the idea of celebrating our everyday achievements. The little things we overcome on a daily basis that often go unrecognised or are quickly forgotten about.
We can get so caught up on achieving the end goal we forget to fully enjoy the process. Not recognising the awesome things we do everyday, that enable us achieve our long-term goals or aspirations.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight; managing to stick to your diet, resisting temptation and hitting the gym the days you planned that week, should be celebrated!
Not just by ourselves, but by others too!! We should aim to encourage and celebrate other people’s successes. Realising when other people are doing well and celebrating it with them.
This is why I love the idea of CrossFit so much, not because the crazy intense workouts or their primal meat eating diet, but for the sense of community, comradery and companionship that they share. People of all shapes and fitness levels, get moral support and celebration. From achieving individual goals, to making it through a crazy workout without passing out...they have the support and encouragement to keep going and not give up. Looking at every day as a new challenge and a thing to be celebrated.
Not like commercial gyms when you hit a PR, wanna celebrate, turn round and everyone is just sipping protein shakes, focused on the dreadmill or skipping though Spotify to find the best song for the next lift (guilty of the last one)...
Anyways, I really want to start focusing on enjoying the journey and celebrating the things we overcome on a daily basis. Especially as we try to find balance and be ourselves in this crazy crazy world.
"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more"
Carpe Diem; is a Latin aphorism, translated to "seize the day".
